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This page searches all actors who smoked or used other forms of tobacco in films and videos in the database:
- Top 10: Any film that was in the Top 10 theatrical releases for at least 1 week, which includes about 95% of all ticket sales. Available data 2002 – present
- Grossed $1M+: Films that grossed at least $1 million in theatrical ticket sales that did not make it into Top 10. Available data 2007– 2019
- Video (broadcast, cable, streaming): All episodes from 25 episodic video programs most popular with youth an young adults that year. Available data 2017 – 2020
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Title | First Name | Last Name |
Alex von Tunzelmann | Alex | von Tunzelmann |
Alexis Vonarb | Alexis | Vonarb |
Jessica Voogd | Jessica | Voogd |
Cyrus Voris | Cyrus | Voris |
Arnold Vosloo | Arnold | Vosloo |
Diana Vreeland | Diana | Vreeland |
Lisa Immordino Vreeland | Lisa Immordino | Vreeland |
Ariel Vromen | Ariel | Vromen |
Sal Vulcano | Sal | Vulcano |
Lana Wachowski | Lana | Wachowski |
Larry Wachowski | Larry | Wachowski |
Brothers Wachowski | Brothers | Wachowski |
Andy Wachowski | Andy | Wachowski |
Charlie Wachtel | Charlie | Wachtel |
Hannah Waddingham | Hannah | Waddingham |
Kevin Wade | Kevin | Wade |
Robert Wade | Robert | Wade |
Jacob M. Wade | Jacob M. | Wade |
Julian Wadham | Julian | Wadham |
Jeff Wadlow | Jeff | Wadlow |
Tracey Wadmore-Smith | Tracey | Wadmore-Smith |
Christian Wagner | Christian | Wagner |
Daniel Wagner | Daniel | Wagner |
David Wagner | David | Wagner |
Paula Wagner | Paula | Wagner |
Jacky Pang Ye Wah | Jacky Pang Ye | Wah |
John Wahba | John | Wahba |
Mats Wahl | Mats | Wahl |
Mark Wahlberg | Mark | Wahlberg |
Donnie Wahlberg | Donnie | Wahlberg |
Wayne Wahrman | Wayne | Wahrman |
Chung Kim Wai | Chung Kim | Wai |
Tony Leung Chiu Wai | Tony Leung Chiu | Wai |
Christopher J. Waild | Christopher J. | Waild |
David Wain | David | Wain |
Dahlia Waingort | Dahlia | Waingort |
Rupert Wainwright | Rupert | Wainwright |
Ben Wainwright-Pearce | Ben | Wainwright-Pearce |
Ben Waisbren | Ben | Waisbren |
Trevor Waite | Trevor | Waite |
Lena Waithe | Lena | Waithe |
Taika Waititi | Taika | Waititi |
Tom Waits | Tom | Waits |
Rhys Wakefield | Rhys | Wakefield |
Donnie Walberg | Donnie | Walberg |
Eric Wald | Eric | Wald |
Ringo Waldenburger | Ringo | Waldenburger |
Harvey Waldman | Harvey | Waldman |
Michael Waldron | Michael | Waldron |
Richard Waldrop | Richard | Waldrop |