1. Rate new smoking movies "R"

Any future film that shows or implies tobacco should be given an adult rating — in the U.S., an R-rating. There are only two categorical exceptions: (a) when the depiction unambiguously reflects the dangers and consequences of tobacco use, or (b) the depiction exclusively represents the tobacco use of an actual person, as in a biographical drama or documentary.

2. Certify no payoffs

The credited producers should complete a legally-binding affidavit declaring that nobody associated with any future media production received any consideration or entered into any agreement related to tobacco depictions, and should post a certificate to this effect in the final credits.

3. Require strong anti-smoking ads

Studios and theaters should run a proven-effective, anti-smoking advertisement (not produced by a tobacco company) immediately before any media production with any tobacco presence, in any distribution channel, regardless of the work's age classification.

4. Stop identifying tobacco brands

Tobacco brand imagery should not appear in the foreground or background of any scene in any future media production, regardless of the work's age classification.

5. End public subsidies for tobacco imagery

Future media productions with tobacco imagery should be made ineligible for generous tax credits and other public subsidies.

Sign the Petition

America's #1 killer is also biggest media risk to kids

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