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This page searches all actors who smoked or used other forms of tobacco in films and videos in the database:
- Top 10: Any film that was in the Top 10 theatrical releases for at least 1 week, which includes about 95% of all ticket sales. Available data 2002 – present
- Grossed $1M+: Films that grossed at least $1 million in theatrical ticket sales that did not make it into Top 10. Available data 2007– 2019
- Video (broadcast, cable, streaming): All episodes from 25 episodic video programs most popular with youth an young adults that year. Available data 2017 – 2020
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Title | First Name | Last Name |
Matt Landon | Matt | Landon |
Michael Landon Jr. | Michael | Landon Jr. |
Sylvie Landra | Sylvie | Landra |
Chyna Lane | Chyna | Lane |
Diane Lane | Diane | Lane |
Anne Lane | Anne | Lane |
Mark Lane | Mark | Lane |
Brenton L. Lane | Brenton L. | Lane |
Richard Lane, Jr. | Richard | Lane, Jr. |
Stephen Lang | Stephen | Lang |
Adria Lang | Adria | Lang |
Ronald Lang | Ronald | Lang |
Tasha Lang | Tasha | Lang |
Christine Langan | Christine | Langan |
Eric Lange | Eric | Lange |
Eric Lange | Eric | Lange |
Jessica Lange | Jessica | Lange |
John Lange | John | Lange |
Marcel Langenegger | Marcel | Langenegger |
Jerry Langford | Jerry | Langford |
Katherine Langford | Katherine | Langford |
Stephanie Langhoff | Stephanie | Langhoff |
Noel Langley | Noel | Langley |
John Langley | John | Langley |
Wesley Robert Langlois | Wesley Robert | Langlois |
Thomas Langmann | Thomas | Langmann |
Andrew Lanham | Andrew | Lanham |
Kate Lanier | Kate | Lanier |
Michelle Lankwarden | Michelle | Lankwarden |
Jason Lansing | Jason | Lansing |
Gage Lansky | Gage | Lansky |
Yorgos Lanthimos | Yorgos | Lanthimos |
Robert Lantos | Robert | Lantos |
Anthony LaPaglia | Anthony | LaPaglia |
James Lapine | James | Lapine |
Tanya Lapointe | Tanya | Lapointe |
Étienne Lapointe-Proulx | Étienne | Lapointe-Proulx |
Marcus LaPorte | Marcus | LaPorte |
Parker Laramie | Parker | Laramie |
Wendy Lardin | Wendy | Lardin |
Vincent Laresca | Vincent | Laresca |
Isaac Larian | Isaac | Larian |
Mike Larocca | Mike | Larocca |
Pablo Larraín | Pablo | Larraín |
Juan de Dios Larraín | Juan de Dios | Larraín |
the Larry | the | Larry |
Patrick Larsgaard | Patrick | Larsgaard |
Lance Larson | Lance | Larson |
Samuel Larson | Samuel | Larson |
Brie Larson | Brie | Larson |