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This page searches all actors who smoked or used other forms of tobacco in films and videos in the database:
- Top 10: Any film that was in the Top 10 theatrical releases for at least 1 week, which includes about 95% of all ticket sales. Available data 2002 – present
- Grossed $1M+: Films that grossed at least $1 million in theatrical ticket sales that did not make it into Top 10. Available data 2007– 2019
- Video (broadcast, cable, streaming): All episodes from 25 episodic video programs most popular with youth an young adults that year. Available data 2017 – 2020
Go to Downloads for complete database downloads.
Title | First Name | Last Name |
Michael Hitchcock | Michael | Hitchcock |
Harry Hitner | Harry | Hitner |
Eliza Hittman | Eliza | Hittman |
Ken Hixon | Ken | Hixon |
Gil Hizon | Gil | Hizon |
Christina Elisa Hjelm | Christina Elisa | Hjelm |
John Hlavin | John | Hlavin |
Miu-Kei Ho | Miu-Kei | Ho |
Bong Joon Ho | Bong Joon | Ho |
Aaron Ho | Aaron | Ho |
Bensen Ho | Bensen | Ho |
Michael Hoapili | Michael | Hoapili |
Peter Hoar | Peter | Hoar |
Rich Hobaica | Rich | Hobaica |
Steven Hoban | Steven | Hoban |
George Hobbs | George | Hobbs |
Vinnie Hobbs | Vinnie | Hobbs |
Emma Hough Hobbs | Emma Hough | Hobbs |
John Hoberg | John | Hoberg |
David Hoberman | David | Hoberman |
David Hoberman | David | Hoberman |
Tim Hobert | Tim | Hobert |
Gregory Hoblit | Gregory | Hoblit |
Lynn Hobson | Lynn | Hobson |
Danny Hoch | Danny | Hoch |
Wilfried Hochholdinger | Wilfried | Hochholdinger |
David Hockney | David | Hockney |
Sonny Hodge | Sonny | Hodge |
Chad Hodge | Chad | Hodge |
John Hodge | John | Hodge |
Jonathan R. Hodges | Jonathan R. | Hodges |
John Hodges | John | Hodges |
Ty Hodges | Ty | Hodges |
Matthew Hodgson | Matthew | Hodgson |
Christina Hodson | Christina | Hodson |
Erich Hoeber | Erich | Hoeber |
Jon Hoeber | Jon | Hoeber |
Tyler Hoechin | Tyler | Hoechin |
Jitte Hoekstra | Jitte | Hoekstra |
Dov Hoenig | Dov | Hoenig |
Tracy Hof | Tracy | Hof |
Judy Hofflund | Judy | Hofflund |
Philip Seymour Hoffman | Philip Seymour | Hoffman |
Brian A. Hoffman | Brian A. | Hoffman |
John Robert Hoffman | John Robert | Hoffman |
Michael Hoffman | Michael | Hoffman |
Sabine Hoffman | Sabine | Hoffman |
Robert Hoffman | Robert | Hoffman |
Cooper Hoffman | Cooper | Hoffman |
Brett Hoffman | Brett | Hoffman |