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This page searches all actors who smoked or used other forms of tobacco in films and videos in the database:

  • Top 10: Any film that was in the Top 10 theatrical releases for at least 1 week, which includes about 95% of all ticket sales. Available data 2002 – present
  • Grossed $1M+: Films that grossed at least $1 million in theatrical ticket sales that did not make it into Top 10. Available data 2007– 2019
  • Video (broadcast, cable, streaming): All episodes from 25 episodic video programs most popular with youth an young adults that year. Available data 2017 – 2020

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Title First Name Last Name
Nic Young Nic Young
Sally Young Sally Young
John Lloyd Young John Lloyd Young
Slade Young Slade Young
Liz Young Liz Young
Mike Young Mike Young
Leo Shi Young Leo Shi Young
American Young American Young
Paul Young Paul Young
Aden Young Aden Young
Cher Young Cher Young
Aleysa Young Aleysa Young
Burt Young Burt Young
Cole Young Cole Young
Alex Young Alex Young
Karen Young Karen Young
Rick Young Rick Young
Jaboukie Young-White Jaboukie Young-White
Damon Younger Damon Younger
Ben Younger Ben Younger
Miranda Yousef Miranda Yousef
Kenneth Yu Kenneth Yu
Kelvin Yu Kelvin Yu
Konshik Yu Konshik Yu
Lillian Yu Lillian Yu
Jessica Yu Jessica Yu
Ronny Yu Ronny Yu
Ron Yuan Ron Yuan
Ugur Yucel Ugur Yucel
Qiu Yuen Qiu Yuen
Corey Yuen Corey Yuen
Jennifer Yuh Jennifer Yuh
Bill Yukich Bill Yukich
Harris Yulin Harris Yulin
Grace Yun Grace Yun
Jonathan Yunger Jonathan Yunger
Cathy Yuspa Cathy Yuspa
Jay Z Jay Z
Mauricio Zacharias Mauricio Zacharias
Jon Zack Jon Zack
Justin Zackham Justin Zackham
Jason Zada Jason Zada
Joel Zadak Joel Zadak
Ali Abbas Zafar Ali Abbas Zafar
Christian Zagia Christian Zagia
Niko Zahlten Niko Zahlten
Steven Zaillian Steven Zaillian
Tim Zajaros Tim Zajaros
Christopher Zalla Christopher Zalla
Jered Zalman Jered Zalman