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This page searches all actors who smoked or used other forms of tobacco in films and videos in the database:

  • Top 10: Any film that was in the Top 10 theatrical releases for at least 1 week, which includes about 95% of all ticket sales. Available data 2002 – present
  • Grossed $1M+: Films that grossed at least $1 million in theatrical ticket sales that did not make it into Top 10. Available data 2007– 2019
  • Video (broadcast, cable, streaming): All episodes from 25 episodic video programs most popular with youth an young adults that year. Available data 2017 – 2020

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Title First Name Last Name
Cathy Scorsese Cathy Scorsese
Martin Scorsese Martin Scorsese
Luke Scott Luke Scott
Ken Scott Ken Scott
Marielle Scott Marielle Scott
Adam P. Scott Adam P. Scott
John Scott John Scott
Jane Scott Jane Scott
Michael Scott Michael Scott
Adam Scott Adam Scott
Naomi Scott Naomi Scott
Ridley Scott Ridley Scott
Donna W. Scott Donna W. Scott
Darin Scott Darin Scott
Tony Scott Tony Scott
Dougray Scott Dougray Scott
Don D. Scott Don D. Scott
Orson Scott Card Orson Scott Card
Carole Scotta Carole Scotta
John G. Scotti John G. Scotti
Nell Scovell Nell Scovell
Ronnie Screwvala Ronnie Screwvala
Mike Scully Mike Scully
James Scully James Scully
Steven Seagal Steven Seagal
Peter S. Seaman Peter S. Seaman
Max Searle Max Searle
Eric A. Sears Eric A. Sears
Phil Sears Phil Sears
Eric Dean Seaton Eric Dean Seaton
Tracey Seaward Tracey Seaward
Lobo Sebastian Lobo Sebastian
Lea Rose Sebastianis Lea Rose Sebastianis
Marisa Sechrest Marisa Sechrest
Andrew Secunda Andrew Secunda
Kyra Sedgwick Kyra Sedgwick
Allyson Seeger Allyson Seeger
José Sefami José Sefami
Miriam Segal Miriam Segal
Peter Segal Peter Segal
Albert Segal Albert Segal
Noah Segal Noah Segal
Jason Segal Jason Segal
Steven Segal Steven Segal
Noah Segan Noah Segan
Allison Lyon Segan Allison Lyon Segan
Jason Segel Jason Segel
Tanya Seghatchian Tanya Seghatchian
Jean de Segonzac Jean de Segonzac
Dominique Séguin Dominique Séguin