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This page searches all actors who smoked or used other forms of tobacco in films and videos in the database:

  • Top 10: Any film that was in the Top 10 theatrical releases for at least 1 week, which includes about 95% of all ticket sales. Available data 2002 – present
  • Grossed $1M+: Films that grossed at least $1 million in theatrical ticket sales that did not make it into Top 10. Available data 2007– 2019
  • Video (broadcast, cable, streaming): All episodes from 25 episodic video programs most popular with youth an young adults that year. Available data 2017 – 2020

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Title First Name Last Name
Sian Heder Sian Heder
Peter Hedges Peter Hedges
Paul Hedges Paul Hedges
Garrett Hedlund Garrett Hedlund
Catrin Hedström Catrin Hedström
Guy Heeley Guy Heeley
Kevin Heffernan Kevin Heffernan
John Heffernan John Heffernan
Gavin Heffernan Gavin Heffernan
Hugh Hefner Hugh Hefner
Elliot Hegarty Elliot Hegarty
John Hegeman John Hegeman
Nadine Heidenreich Nadine Heidenreich
Veit Heiduschka Veit Heiduschka
Katherine Heigl Katherine Heigl
Alan Heim Alan Heim
Michael Heimler Michael Heimler
Allan Heinberg Allan Heinberg
Alex Heineman Alex Heineman
Andres Heinz Andres Heinz
David Heinz David Heinz
Eileen Heisler Eileen Heisler
Eric Heisserer Eric Heisserer
Rasmus Heisterberg Rasmus Heisterberg
Maria von Heland Maria von Heland
Jalmari Helander Jalmari Helander
Johan Heldenbergh Johan Heldenbergh
David Helfand David Helfand
Michael A. Helfant Michael A. Helfant
Ian Helfer Ian Helfer
Mark Helfrich Mark Helfrich
Brian Helgeland Brian Helgeland
Sofia Helin Sofia Helin
DeAnn Heline DeAnn Heline
Marielle Heller Marielle Heller
Lukas Heller Lukas Heller
Peter Heller Peter Heller
David Helling David Helling
Jason Hellmann Jason Hellmann
Zach Helm Zach Helm
Ed Helms Ed Helms
Cory Helms Cory Helms
Jim Helton Jim Helton
Peter Hembleton Peter Hembleton
David Hemingson David Hemingson
Anthony Hemingway Anthony Hemingway
Blaise Hemingway Blaise Hemingway
Erik Hemmendorff Erik Hemmendorff
Aleksander Hemon Aleksander Hemon
Chris Hemsworth Chris Hemsworth