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This page searches all actors who smoked or used other forms of tobacco in films and videos in the database:
- Top 10: Any film that was in the Top 10 theatrical releases for at least 1 week, which includes about 95% of all ticket sales. Available data 2002 – present
- Grossed $1M+: Films that grossed at least $1 million in theatrical ticket sales that did not make it into Top 10. Available data 2007– 2019
- Video (broadcast, cable, streaming): All episodes from 25 episodic video programs most popular with youth an young adults that year. Available data 2017 – 2020
Go to Downloads for complete database downloads.
Title | First Name | Last Name |
Alan Freedland | Alan | Freedland |
Jez Freedman | Jez | Freedman |
Sydney Freeland | Sydney | Freeland |
David Freeman | David | Freeman |
Jeff Freeman | Jeff | Freeman |
Martin Freeman | Martin | Freeman |
Morgan Freeman | Morgan | Freeman |
Paul Freeman | Paul | Freeman |
Jeff Freilich | Jeff | Freilich |
Tarik Freitekh | Tarik | Freitekh |
Kelly Fremon | Kelly | Fremon |
Ron French | Ron | French |
Brandinn French | Brandinn | French |
Andrew French | Andrew | French |
Larry Frenzel | Larry | Frenzel |
Juan Carlos Fresnadillo | Juan Carlos | Fresnadillo |
Kathryn Freud | Kathryn | Freud |
Thor Freudenthal | Thor | Freudenthal |
Matthew Freund | Matthew | Freund |
Ellen Freund | Ellen | Freund |
Kathryn Freund | Kathryn | Freund |
Bart Freundlich | Bart | Freundlich |
Matt Frewer | Matt | Frewer |
Anthony Frewin | Anthony | Frewin |
Derek Frey | Derek | Frey |
James Frey | James | Frey |
Denis Freyd | Denis | Freyd |
Ron Fricke | Ron | Fricke |
Alexis Fridman | Alexis | Fridman |
Robert N. Fried | Robert N. | Fried |
Jason Friedberg | Jason | Friedberg |
John Friedberg | John | Friedberg |
Richard Friedenberg | Richard | Friedenberg |
Dan Friedkin | Dan | Friedkin |
Jay Friedkin | Jay | Friedkin |
William Friedkin | William | Friedkin |
Liz Friedlander | Liz | Friedlander |
Sonia Friedman | Sonia | Friedman |
Louis G. Friedman | Louis G. | Friedman |
Matt Friedman | Matt | Friedman |
Josh Friedman | Josh | Friedman |
Lewis Friedman | Lewis | Friedman |
Ron J. Friedman | Ron J. | Friedman |
Bobby Friel | Bobby | Friel |
Anna Friel | Anna | Friel |
Simon Friend | Simon | Friend |
Rupert Friend | Rupert | Friend |
David T. Friendly | David T. | Friendly |
Gil Friesen | Gil | Friesen |
David Frigerio | David | Frigerio |