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This page searches all actors who smoked or used other forms of tobacco in films and videos in the database:
- Top 10: Any film that was in the Top 10 theatrical releases for at least 1 week, which includes about 95% of all ticket sales. Available data 2002 – present
- Grossed $1M+: Films that grossed at least $1 million in theatrical ticket sales that did not make it into Top 10. Available data 2007– 2019
- Video (broadcast, cable, streaming): All episodes from 25 episodic video programs most popular with youth an young adults that year. Available data 2017 – 2020
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Title | First Name | Last Name |
Mike Costa | Mike | Costa |
Marco Costa | Marco | Costa |
Tom Costain | Tom | Costain |
Tom Costantino | Tom | Costantino |
Kevin Costello | Kevin | Costello |
Ritchie Coster | Ritchie | Coster |
Michael Costigan | Michael | Costigan |
Kevin Costner | Kevin | Costner |
Glenn Richard Côté | Glenn Richard | Côté |
Marion Cotillard | Marion | Cotillard |
Manny Coto | Manny | Coto |
Juan Carlos Coto | Juan Carlos | Coto |
Ivan Cotroneo | Ivan | Cotroneo |
Corey Cotten | Corey | Cotten |
Rob Cotterill | Rob | Cotterill |
Mia Cottet | Mia | Cottet |
Camille Cottin | Camille | Cottin |
cdavid cottrill | cdavid | cottrill |
Sophie Couderc | Sophie | Couderc |
KC Coughlin | KC | Coughlin |
Dave Coulier | Dave | Coulier |
David Coulson | David | Coulson |
Allen Coulter | Allen | Coulter |
Tom Courtenay | Tom | Courtenay |
Jai Courtney | Jai | Courtney |
Michael Courville | Michael | Courville |
Oliver Bugge Coutté | Oliver Bugge | Coutté |
Andrew Coutts | Andrew | Coutts |
Graham Coutts | Graham | Coutts |
Sean Covel | Sean | Covel |
Charlie Covell | Charlie | Covell |
Allen Covert | Allen | Covert |
Paul Covington | Paul | Covington |
Aaron Covington | Aaron | Covington |
Rob Cowan | Rob | Cowan |
Noel Coward | Noel | Coward |
Noel Cowell | Noel | Cowell |
Simon Cowell | Simon | Cowell |
Matthew Cowles | Matthew | Cowles |
Chris Cowles | Chris | Cowles |
Gabriela Cowperthwaite | Gabriela | Cowperthwaite |
Penny Cox | Penny | Cox |
Joel Cox | Joel | Cox |
Brian Cox | Brian | Cox |
Charlie Cox | Charlie | Cox |
Tony Cox | Tony | Cox |
David S. Cox | David S. | Cox |
C. Jay Cox | C. Jay | Cox |
Craig Cox | Craig | Cox |
Jeff Cox | Jeff | Cox |