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This page searches all actors who smoked or used other forms of tobacco in films and videos in the database:

  • Top 10: Any film that was in the Top 10 theatrical releases for at least 1 week, which includes about 95% of all ticket sales. Available data 2002 – present
  • Grossed $1M+: Films that grossed at least $1 million in theatrical ticket sales that did not make it into Top 10. Available data 2007– 2019
  • Video (broadcast, cable, streaming): All episodes from 25 episodic video programs most popular with youth an young adults that year. Available data 2017 – 2020

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Title First Name Last Name
S.J. Clarkson S.J. Clarkson
Patricia Clarkson Patricia Clarkson
Kevin Clash Kevin Clash
Philippe Claudel Philippe Claudel
Andrew Dice Clay Andrew Dice Clay
Lee Clay Lee Clay
Curtiss Clayton Curtiss Clayton
Michael Clear Michael Clear
Jerrica Cleland Jerrica Cleland
Jemaine Clement Jemaine Clement
Dick Clement Dick Clement
Jim Clemente Jim Clemente
Chris Clements Chris Clements
Ron Clements Ron Clements
Inny Clemons Inny Clemons
Chris Cleveland Chris Cleveland
Rick Cleveland Rick Cleveland
William Clevinger William Clevinger
Jeffrey Clifford Jeffrey Clifford
Sandy Climan Sandy Climan
Ernest Cline Ernest Cline
Madelyn Cline Madelyn Cline
Katie Clinebelle Katie Clinebelle
Sean Cliver Sean Cliver
George Clooney George Clooney
Glenn Close Glenn Close
Joshua Close Joshua Close
Angus Cloud Angus Cloud
Micharne Cloughley Micharne Cloughley
Travis Cluff Travis Cluff
Laura Clunie Laura Clunie
Jacques Cluzaud Jacques Cluzaud
Francois Cluzet Francois Cluzet
Ed Clydesdale Ed Clydesdale
Anne V. Coates Anne V. Coates
Pam Coats Pam Coats
David Coatsworth David Coatsworth
Melissa Cobb Melissa Cobb
Blair Cobbs Blair Cobbs
James Coblentz James Coblentz
Arthur Coburn Arthur Coburn
Ben Coccio Ben Coccio
Rory Cochrane Rory Cochrane
Marina Cockenberg Marina Cockenberg
Stan Cockerell Stan Cockerell
Dennis Cockrum Dennis Cockrum
Jay Cocks Jay Cocks
David Codron David Codron
Alan Cody Alan Cody
Diablo Cody Diablo Cody