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This page searches all actors who smoked or used other forms of tobacco in films and videos in the database:
- Top 10: Any film that was in the Top 10 theatrical releases for at least 1 week, which includes about 95% of all ticket sales. Available data 2002 – present
- Grossed $1M+: Films that grossed at least $1 million in theatrical ticket sales that did not make it into Top 10. Available data 2007– 2019
- Video (broadcast, cable, streaming): All episodes from 25 episodic video programs most popular with youth an young adults that year. Available data 2017 – 2020
Go to Downloads for complete database downloads.
Title | First Name | Last Name |
Nico Soultanakis | Nico | Soultanakis |
Aton Soumache | Aton | Soumache |
Tim Southam | Tim | Southam |
Bryce Southard | Bryce | Southard |
Nolan Southerland | Nolan | Southerland |
Robert Souza | Robert | Souza |
Sissy Spacek | Sissy | Spacek |
Kevin Spacey | Kevin | Spacey |
David Spade | David | Spade |
James Spader | James | Spader |
Christophe Spadone | Christophe | Spadone |
Cailee Spaeny | Cailee | Spaeny |
Eric Spagnoletti | Eric | Spagnoletti |
Gabriel Spahiu | Gabriel | Spahiu |
Jon Spaihts | Jon | Spaihts |
Chris Spain | Chris | Spain |
Rafe Spall | Rafe | Spall |
Timothy Spall | Timothy | Spall |
Paul Sparks | Paul | Sparks |
Nicholas Sparks | Nicholas | Sparks |
Chris Sparling | Chris | Sparling |
Andrew Spaulding | Andrew | Spaulding |
Peter Spears | Peter | Spears |
Michelle Spears | Michelle | Spears |
Will Speck | Will | Speck |
Scott Speedman | Scott | Speedman |
Scott Speer | Scott | Speer |
Hugo Speer | Hugo | Speer |
Richard Speight Jr. | Richard | Speight Jr. |
Malcolm Spellman | Malcolm | Spellman |
Greg Spence | Greg | Spence |
Thomas Spence | Thomas | Spence |
Jim Spencer | Jim | Spencer |
Octavia Spencer | Octavia | Spencer |
Clark Spencer | Clark | Spencer |
Christopher Spencer | Christopher | Spencer |
Stephane Sperry | Stephane | Sperry |
Matt Spicer | Matt | Spicer |
Beth Spiegel | Beth | Spiegel |
Steven Spielberg | Steven | Spielberg |
Peter Spierig | Peter | Spierig |
Michael Spierig | Michael | Spierig |
James Spies | James | Spies |
Todd Spiewak | Todd | Spiewak |
Barry Spikings | Barry | Spikings |
Evan Spiliotopoulos | Evan | Spiliotopoulos |
Michael Spiller | Michael | Spiller |
Gary Spinelli | Gary | Spinelli |
Brent Spiner | Brent | Spiner |
J.C. Spink | J.C. | Spink |