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This page searches all actors who smoked or used other forms of tobacco in films and videos in the database:
- Top 10: Any film that was in the Top 10 theatrical releases for at least 1 week, which includes about 95% of all ticket sales. Available data 2002 – present
- Grossed $1M+: Films that grossed at least $1 million in theatrical ticket sales that did not make it into Top 10. Available data 2007– 2019
- Video (broadcast, cable, streaming): All episodes from 25 episodic video programs most popular with youth an young adults that year. Available data 2017 – 2020
Go to Downloads for complete database downloads.
Title | First Name | Last Name |
Ahren Shaw | Ahren | Shaw |
Alia Shawkat | Alia | Shawkat |
Michael P. Shawver | Michael P. | Shawver |
Gina Shay | Gina | Shay |
Robert Shaye | Robert | Shaye |
Mason Shea Joyce | Mason | Shea Joyce |
Harry Shearer | Harry | Shearer |
Allison Shearmur | Allison | Shearmur |
Robert Sheehan | Robert | Sheehan |
Charlie Sheen | Charlie | Sheen |
Martin Sheen | Martin | Sheen |
Michael Sheen | Michael | Sheen |
Ruth Sheen | Ruth | Sheen |
Robert Sheenan | Robert | Sheenan |
Nick Sheff | Nick | Sheff |
Jeremy Sheffield | Jeremy | Sheffield |
Patrick Sheffield | Patrick | Sheffield |
David Sheffield | David | Sheffield |
Aarif Sheikh | Aarif | Sheikh |
Parveez Sheikh | Parveez | Sheikh |
Mushtaq Sheikh | Mushtaq | Sheikh |
Philip Shelby | Philip | Shelby |
Kaitlyn Shelby | Kaitlyn | Shelby |
Jeff Shell | Jeff | Shell |
Carla Shelley | Carla | Shelley |
Adrienne Shelly | Adrienne | Shelly |
Ron Shelton | Ron | Shelton |
Millicent Shelton | Millicent | Shelton |
Marley Shelton | Marley | Shelton |
Teng Shen | Teng | Shen |
Jon Shenk | Jon | Shenk |
Sadia Shepard | Sadia | Shepard |
Dax Shepard | Dax | Shepard |
Sam Shepard | Sam | Shepard |
Thomas Shepard | Thomas | Shepard |
Richard Shepard | Richard | Shepard |
Thom Shephard | Thom | Shephard |
John Shepherd | John | Shepherd |
Scott Shepherd | Scott | Shepherd |
Thomas Shepherd | Thomas | Shepherd |
John Scott Shepherd | John Scott | Shepherd |
Stacey Sher | Stacey | Sher |
Lawrence Sher | Lawrence | Sher |
William Sherak | William | Sherak |
Daniel Shere | Daniel | Shere |
Chris Sheridan | Chris | Sheridan |
Taylor Sheridan | Taylor | Sheridan |
Jim Sheridan | Jim | Sheridan |
Kirsten Sheridan | Kirsten | Sheridan |
Gabriel Sherman | Gabriel | Sherman |