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This page searches all actors who smoked or used other forms of tobacco in films and videos in the database:

  • Top 10: Any film that was in the Top 10 theatrical releases for at least 1 week, which includes about 95% of all ticket sales. Available data 2002 – present
  • Grossed $1M+: Films that grossed at least $1 million in theatrical ticket sales that did not make it into Top 10. Available data 2007– 2019
  • Video (broadcast, cable, streaming): All episodes from 25 episodic video programs most popular with youth an young adults that year. Available data 2017 – 2020

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Title First Name Last Name
Ann Biderman Ann Biderman
Justin Bieber Justin Bieber
Kevin Biegel Kevin Biegel
Jessica Biel Jessica Biel
Marc Bienstock Marc Bienstock
Susanne Bier Susanne Bier
Josef Bierbichler Josef Bierbichler
Craig Bierko Craig Bierko
James Bierman James Bierman
Daniel Bigel Daniel Bigel
Mike Bigelow Mike Bigelow
Kathryn Bigelow Kathryn Bigelow
William Bigelow William Bigelow
Bruce Bigg Bruce Bigg
J. Everett Biggar J. Everett Biggar
J Everett Biggar J Everett Biggar
Kevin Biggins Kevin Biggins
Daniele Bignami Daniele Bignami
Georges Bigot Georges Bigot
Anat Bikel Anat Bikel
Ivan Bilancio Ivan Bilancio
Jill Bilcock Jill Bilcock
Leo Bill Leo Bill
Tony Bill Tony Bill
John Billingsley John Billingsley
Peter Billingsley Peter Billingsley
Amandine Billot Amandine Billot
David Bilow David Bilow
Danny Bilson Danny Bilson
Mike Binder Mike Binder
Steven D. Binder Steven D. Binder
Jack Binder Jack Binder
William Bindley William Bindley
Scott Bindley Scott Bindley
Guljit Bindra Guljit Bindra
Steve Bing Steve Bing
Ryan Bingham Ryan Bingham
Joe Bini Joe Bini
Julia Binoche Julia Binoche
Juliette Binoche Juliette Binoche
Benjamin Biolay Benjamin Biolay
Joe Birbiglia Joe Birbiglia
Mike Birbiglia Mike Birbiglia
Alice Birch Alice Birch
Jennifer Birchfield-Eick Jennifer Birchfield-Eick
Brian Bird Brian Bird
Brad Bird Brad Bird
Raye Birk Raye Birk
David Birke David Birke
Ea Birkett Ea Birkett