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This page searches all actors who smoked or used other forms of tobacco in films and videos in the database:
- Top 10: Any film that was in the Top 10 theatrical releases for at least 1 week, which includes about 95% of all ticket sales. Available data 2002 – present
- Grossed $1M+: Films that grossed at least $1 million in theatrical ticket sales that did not make it into Top 10. Available data 2007– 2019
- Video (broadcast, cable, streaming): All episodes from 25 episodic video programs most popular with youth an young adults that year. Available data 2017 – 2020
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Title | First Name | Last Name |
John Hurt | John | Hurt |
William Hurt | William | Hurt |
Gregg Hurwitz | Gregg | Hurwitz |
Jon Hurwitz | Jon | Hurwitz |
Michael Huschka | Michael | Huschka |
Asad Hussain | Asad | Hussain |
Saddam Hussain | Saddam | Hussain |
Jake Huston | Jake | Huston |
Angelica Huston | Angelica | Huston |
Danny Huston | Danny | Huston |
Jack Huston | Jack | Huston |
Josh Hutcherson | Josh | Hutcherson |
Jack Hutchings | Jack | Hutchings |
Joe Hutshing | Joe | Hutshing |
L.T. Hutton | L.T. | Hutton |
Peter Huyck | Peter | Huyck |
Jang Young Hwan | Jang Young | Hwan |
Jung-min Hwang | Jung-min | Hwang |
Stephanie Hyam | Stephanie | Hyam |
Josh Hyams | Josh | Hyams |
Andrew Hyatt | Andrew | Hyatt |
Jonathan Hyde | Jonathan | Hyde |
Kevin Hyman | Kevin | Hyman |
Dominic Hyman | Dominic | Hyman |
Marc Hyman | Marc | Hyman |
Lauren Hynek | Lauren | Hynek |
Martin Hynes | Martin | Hynes |
Nicholas Hytner | Nicholas | Hytner |
Aaron I. Butler | Aaron | I. Butler |
Tobias Iaconis | Tobias | Iaconis |
Armando Iannucci | Armando | Iannucci |
Pedro Pablo Ibarra | Pedro Pablo | Ibarra |
Cube Ice | Cube | Ice |
Leon Ichaso | Leon | Ichaso |
Edie Ichioka | Edie | Ichioka |
David Bleiman Ichioka | David Bleiman | Ichioka |
Takashige Ichise | Takashige | Ichise |
Jacky Ido | Jacky | Ido |
Jackie Ido | Jackie | Ido |
Andrea Iervolino | Andrea | Iervolino |
Rhys Ifans | Rhys | Ifans |
Robert Iger | Robert | Iger |
Gabriel Iglesias | Gabriel | Iglesias |
Ryota Ikeda | Ryota | Ikeda |
Brian Iles | Brian | Iles |
Greg Iles | Greg | Iles |
Dennis Iliadis | Dennis | Iliadis |
Jennifer Graham Imada | Jennifer Graham | Imada |
Steven Imes | Steven | Imes |
William J. Immerman | William J. | Immerman |