Hunt Lowry

Hunt Lowry

Producer tobacco score

Score for all ratings since 2002
Max producer smoking
score 11207
No smoking
score 0
Hunt Lowry

Smokiest PG-13 movie

Hunt Lowry

Tobacco Profile

Top-grossing movies Tobacco incidents Tobacco impressions millions
Total Smoking Total Youth-rated Total Youth-rated
6 50% 69 100% 403 100%
Top-grossing movies since 2002

Tobacco content

Year Title Company Rating Tobacco incidents Tobacco impressions millions Tobacco brands
2020 Deep Blue Sea 3 (2020) Independents R 0 0
2005 Dreamer: Inspired by a True Story (2005) Independents PG 0 0
2004 Cinderella Story, A (2004) Warner Bros. Discovery PG 0 0
2003 What a Girl Wants (2003) Warner Bros. Discovery PG 2 12
2002 Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood (2002) Warner Bros. Discovery PG-13 22 264
2002 White Oleander (2002) Warner Bros. Discovery PG-13 45 127